Leadership Today's Challenge

10 Things Leaders Should Never Do

Great questions can take you places you’ve never been before. This is true whether you are asking or being asked. Recently, someone was attempting to understand my point of view on leadership. They asked: What are the things a leader should never do?

Organizational Effectiveness

What Do Your Employees Dream About?

What would happen if your organization became a place where dreams come true? This may seem like a crazy question – making dreams come true is not what most organizations do. Even those who would say they attempt to do this for customers would rarely say they try to do this for their own employees.


Zig Ziglar: See You At The Top

I’ll See You at the Top was the trademark line the late Zig Ziglar used to close his motivational talks. Ziglar, 86, died last week. I had the privilege of hearing Zig speak several times during my career. He was the keynote speaker for Chick-fil-A’s annual event four times over the last 35 years.

Change Management

Event vs. Process?

I just returned from our annual meeting – imagine almost 4000 chicken people in one place. It was great! This is an event that Chick-fil-A, Inc. has hosted for over 40 years. Sometimes, people ask me, “Why would an organization want to get all their key leaders together on a regular basis?”