Organizational Effectiveness

How Great Do You Want to Be?

Momentary greatness is common – sustained greatness is rare. You may have experienced it yourself. I have. I can hit an amazing golf shot or make a 25 foot putt and then, reality sets in. My next drive goes 30 feet rather than 300 yards and I can easily miss a 2 foot putt! The same challenge exists in organizations. The great ones are able to consistently Excel at Execution… how?

Organizational Effectiveness

What Do Your Employees Dream About?

What would happen if your organization became a place where dreams come true? This may seem like a crazy question – making dreams come true is not what most organizations do. Even those who would say they attempt to do this for customers would rarely say they try to do this for their own employees.


One Word… Hope

Over the last few months, I’ve written several posts under the banner – One Word. These have included, Vision (A three-part mini series), Data, Diversity and others. Today, let’s explore a word that is critical to our success… Hope.