Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Did Zappos Miss the Mark?

Earlier this year, Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh told his employees they could either embrace self-management or leave with three months pay. At last count, according Jena McGregor of the Washington Post, 14% of Tony’s team left the building and they are not coming back.

Leadership SERVE

Five Things All Great Leaders Do

This post originally appeared on December 3, 2011. Since we recently released our 10th Anniversary Edition, it seemed like a good idea to share it again.
Great leaders serve. It’s the name of my website, but it’s also something I’ve learned over the years.  Great leaders serve others and they do so in five very strategic ways. Ken Blanchard and I wrote about these practices in our book The Secret – What Great Leaders Know and Do. We recently celebrated the 10th anniversary edition of The Secret but the lessons are as true today as they were when it was first published.

Leadership SERVE

I Follow What I See, Not What I Hear

This is the final post in the series to celebrate the 10th Anniversary Edition of The Secret. Although each of the SERVE practices are essential, today’s topic may be the most critical of them all… If we want to build trust, credibility and ultimately followship, we must understand: people always watch the leader.


What Do You Do When There's Nothing You Can Do?

Leaders love making things happen. We love to challenge existing boundaries and attack the status quo. We make our living creating the future. What happens when you encounter a situation in which there’s nothing you can do?