Personal Effectiveness

Improve Your Leadership… Take a Nap

Fatigue makes cowards of us all – unchecked, it can also have a devastating impact on our leadership. Next week, we launch my latest book, Chess Not Checkers. I am so thankful for the opportunity to share this work with the world. That’s the good news; the rest of the story… I’m tired.

Development Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Advice for High Potential Leaders

This week I am attending the i4cp (Institute for Corporate Productivity) conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Thus far, we’ve heard from practitioners, academics and authors. My notes are full of ideas and questions to consider in the weeks and months to come. Today, I’ll share an assignment given to us by Kevin Wilde, Chief Learning Officer for General Mills.

Leadership SERVE

Five Things All Great Leaders Do

This post originally appeared on December 3, 2011. Since we recently released our 10th Anniversary Edition, it seemed like a good idea to share it again.
Great leaders serve. It’s the name of my website, but it’s also something I’ve learned over the years.  Great leaders serve others and they do so in five very strategic ways. Ken Blanchard and I wrote about these practices in our book The Secret – What Great Leaders Know and Do. We recently celebrated the 10th anniversary edition of The Secret but the lessons are as true today as they were when it was first published.


Are You a Thankful Leader?

I’ve been thinking about my heart a lot lately. In part, due to the launch of my latest book, The Heart of Leadership. Also, because, as I shared in Monday’s post, I want to continue to grow in the year ahead. But I think it was the approaching holiday season that prompted me to reflect on another facet of my  heart  – gratitude.