Organizational Effectiveness Personal Effectiveness Strategic Planning

Trend or Issue?

I am very fortunate to work with some really smart people. This has many benefits, not the least of which is the opportunity to learn something everyday from my colleagues. In a recent planning meeting, we were discussing factors impacting our business and someone asked the question: “Is that a trend or an issue?”

Creativity Leadership Other Thoughts Personal Effectiveness

5 Ideas to Recharge Your Battery

I’m writing this post from the lake. Yesterday, I had the privilege to spend the day with great friends and their families. I’m trying to recharge my battery before a crazy short week – coast to coast, multiple cities – with one red-eye thrown in for extra fun. How do you recharge your battery?

Development Other Thoughts

What Has Become Clearer…?

There are many great questions in the universe. I continue to be amazed at the power of questions to take us places we’ve never been before. I’ve written previously about some of my favorite questions, but this post is about one that had fallen off my radar and now, it’s back.