Teams Workplace Culture

Today's Challenge: Celebration

This is the next installment in the series in which I answer a question from a leader somewhere in the world. Today’s topic is not universal – by that I mean, some leaders I know don’t have an issue with this at all. However, many leaders, including myself, do struggle with celebrating the team’s accomplishments.

Engagement Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

Today's Challenge: New Hire Orientation

Horst Schultze, the former president of the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain said, ”The most important time in an employee’s career is the first 40 hours.” How much thought have you given to this crucial period? Today’s Challenge: What to include in new employee orientation?

Engagement SERVE

A Leader's Most Important Decision

Great leaders Engage and Develop Others. This is the second practice in the SERVE model. There are actually three parts to this practice. I’ll start with the first and explain the others in upcoming posts.
During one of Peter Drucker’s public addresses late in his life, he was asked about the most important decision an executive (leader) makes. He answer was simply: “Who does what.”