Leadership Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: I Don't Have Senior Leadership Support

For those of you new to this site, each Friday, I write a post to speak to a question I’ve received from a leader somewhere in the world. The series is entitled Today’s Challenge. Today’s question deals with a very common issue: How do I make change happen without senior leadership support?

Leadership Results Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Compromise

It happens all the time – you have an answer in mind and someone else in your organization has a different idea. That’s the essence of Today’s Challenge: When should I compromise?


What's Your Leadership Challenge?

I begin many of my presentations by asking the audience to think about a leadership challenge they’re currently facing. This is an attempt on my part to help each attendee establish context for my remarks. I was taught years ago that content without context is irrelevant. However, I’ve come to realize there are several additional reasons to name your challenge.