Leadership Vision

One Word… Vision (Part 1)

This is the next installment of posts about words that impact leaders on a daily basis. Last week, I talked about Data and how it can help us lead at a higher level – if used properly. Today, one of the most important words in a leader’s life… Vision.

Communication Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Can You Draw Me A Picture?

If the research is correct, we learn as much as 70% of what we know from what we see. That’s why one of the most powerful skills a leader can develop is the ability to make your ideas visible. Countless times, it’s been a picture, not the words I spoke that enabled me to effectively communicate an idea or concept.


Leadership Made Simple

Friday, I attended the Chick-fil-A Leadercast. It was a great event! Although we’re the corporate sponsors, we don’t actually create the event. So, unlike other meetings we produce ourselves, I got to experience this one just as the other attendees – as a leader trying to learn. This year’s event didn’t disappoint.