Millennials Workplace Culture

How to Lead Millennials

Every generation of leaders faces unique challenges – just think about the last few decades: globalization, the explosion in technology, outsourcing, complexity, increasing demands of customers, etc. However, one of the biggest challenges today’s leaders face is how to lead the Millennial generation – those born between 1980 and 1996.

Teams Workplace Culture

The Power of Community

As I shared in my post, What is the Secret of Teams?, one of the things we’ve discovered over the years is that the best teams not only have talented people and the requisite skills, they possess a powerful third ingredient – we call it Community. It’s what separates the great teams from the good ones. It is the turbo-charger for great team performance.

Teams Workplace Culture

Got Problems?

Every team has problems – even if things are going well, your new problem is how to sustain the gains and go to the next level. Teams, when working well, are GREAT at solving problems. They harness the experience, wisdom and creativity of the entire group. Together, the team is smarter than any of the individual team members. Does this sound like your team? Tragically, many teams never realize their full problem solving potential. One way to help your team in this arena is to provide a clear process for problem solving.