Results Strategic Planning

How to Have a Better Second Half

It’s that time of year again – March Madness. Even if you’re not a basketball fan, I think you would agree that sports can provide a lot of life lessons. I also believe the best coaches can teach us a lot about leadership.

Results Strategic Planning Teams

5 Minutes to Better Decision-Making

How good is your team at making decisions? If you said not great, my guess is you could use some help with your decision-making protocol. When a decision needs to be made, every leader has several choices regarding how to proceed. However, many leaders and their teams don’t understand their decision-making options.

Strategic Planning Vision

4 Keys to Strategic Insight

How do leaders know what needs to be done? Do they have a special gift or talent? Some leaders do, but most do not. So, if you’re like me, a leader without a special talent for seeing the future, what do you do?